Lynn Goltz

Lynn Goltz

5 / 5

I’m a runner and one day after I finished my hour run I started feeling pain on the back of my right knee and I thought it was something that will go away with some ice hot but no lat or r on it expanded all around my knee my leg and my hip! I never take any pain killer not even Tylenol I was for three months with this horrible pain that it was worse when I was in bed at night time. I found this device by accident I don’t remember what I was looking for and I saw this I started reading the reviews so I said lets give a try I ordered I received the next day I was scare to use but the 2nd day I say let me try this I did three time the first day that night I slept better and the third day pain was gone! Im so amazed of this device I really recomend it I’m not getting any comission for the promotion I just want to help people that are suffering with chronic pain. Good luck it work for me I hope it will for you.


PowerCure Pro